Pastors Shipley, Hubbard, and Metscher talk before a West Nodaway Community event.
West Nodaway Event Center
In 1981, Reverend John Shipley, pastor of the Burlington Junction Christian Church, decided to build a community center for the people of Nodaway County. The pastors of various West Nodaway County denominations like First Christian Church, Catholic, and United Methodist Churches united under Shipley to meet their community's needs.
About $30,000 was raised to build a two-part center. One side was used for recreation and classes, while the other side had meeting rooms with a kitchen and showers for community use. The building was opened in Burlington Junction late in 1981.
​Ecumenical Services
The Ministerial Fellowship of Maryville organizes Ecumenical church services for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Pentecost, Easter, and a week of prayer. They do this so people of various denominations can all gather in one spot and celebrate their similarities.
A farmer leaving the Thanksgiving service in 1976 said, “After all he said why not? We are all aiming towards the same place,” in response to why he attended the service. Dr. White, pastor of the First United Methodist Church said, “It is the most cooperative group we have had during the three and one-half years I've been in Maryville.”
First Christian Church in Hopkins, Mo, Christmas program in 1987

Dr. White accepting food for a Christmas service
Ministerial Fellowship
The Maryville Ministerial Fellowship started as a way for pastors of various denominations to coordinate their welfare projects for the community. They would host Ecumenical services where they highlighted welfare services that various churches had, like The First Baptist Church which had a clothing center.
In 1999, the Ministry Center was established by the Ministerial Fellowship so that all the resources of the churches could be consolidated to best help the community, no matter their denomination. The center can provide food and clothing to people who need it in Maryville and surrounding cities in Nodaway.