The Role of the Media
When the death of Velma Coulter was discovered on December 16th, her case was printed immediately in The Maryville Daily Forum in the next issue on Wednesday, December 17th. Across the front cover the words that were printed in large letters said, “Garret Teacher Murdered in School By An Unknown Fiend” and the article continued in detail about the murder. This type of explosive front page, continued into the actual newspaper, with many different pieces on what was happening in the search for the killer, the volunteering of the National Guard in helping finding the murderer as well as parts on rewards were the only focus in the local newspaper for the first couple of days.
Headlines were printed stirred up fear in the community against the murderer using words like “fiend” “moron” alongside describing Coulter’s brutal murder. These explosive headlines caused only more fear and anger to arise in the community to find and punish the criminal. The media seemed to incite the pressure and cries of outrage from the town only two days after the murder, causing the police to commit to the arrest of Gunn on December 18th, 1930.
In the days following his arrest, the headlines in many different newspapers, only become fierier in what they printed on the front pages. While seemingly just reporting the news, many of the newspapers had undertones of bias and attempts to stir up anger in the communities against Gunn. The language continued in papers like the St. Joe Gazette and even in papers like the Kansas City Star. However, papers that weren't local, like the Daily News from New York, showed how a difference in language can turn a communities mind.
The role that the media, especially the newspapers, played in part of Gunn's arrest and later murder, was one of the main instigators. Continuously printing headlines and details that stirred the hate and violence in the Maryville community.

Maryville Daily Forum, printed on December 17th, 1930.

Maryville Daily Forum December 19th, 1930

Kansas City Star December 22nd,1930

St. Joseph Gazette December 20th, 1930

Daily News, New York, New York May 3rd, 1931