Nodaway County
About the NSDAR
​The Nodaway County Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, also known as the NSDAR chapter, has existed in Nodaway County since the early 1900s. Founded on October 5th, 1912, by 27 women from around the county, as well as multiple transfer members from the St. Joseph chapter. The women worked to preserve the county's history and serve their community in many ways. By 1918, the chapter had grown to an astonishing 67 members.

Mission Statment
"promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children."
~ Daughters of the American Revolution National Webpage
Early Work in Nodaway County
April 1916: the women sold Belgian flags and used the money for Belgium citizens needing relief
Flag Day 1916: Worked with the Grand Army of the Republic - Union Army veterans on the 70th anniversary of the very first flag-raising ceremony in Noawy County.
1917: the DAR established a National Surgical Dressing Committee that eventually became a Red Cross Auxiliary
Flag Day 1917: Raised money to support French orphans during WWI ($178.35)
1918: DAR raises and donates money to the American Red Cross ($109)
Impact on the County
The NSDAR chapter of Nodaway County was heavily involved in the community, hosting several philanthropic events and other events to boost community engagement.
The NSDR was extremely active in its early years (1910-1920s). In 1911, the chapter hosted a high school essay contest. By the 40s and 50s, the DAR decided to narrow its efforts to more local efforts. The women began to hold ceremonies for Flag Day and Constitution Day. In 1940 the Nodaway County Chapter and the St. Joseph Chapter worked together to create a Memorial for Pony Express riders that is still up and visible today.