Charles' Poem
I was born in Nodaway County, and in Missouri State,
And little did I ever think, kind friends, I would meet such a fate;
I was brought up by honest parents, who thought the world of me,
And this is the first time I've been deprived of liberty.
It was on the 18th of September last, that the news did spread,
That Dr. Talbott had been shot, and soon he would be dead;
Suspicion pointed to me, and they rushed upon their prey,
And I was forced to prison, to await my trial day.
They took me to the City Hall, and thence to the county jail,
Where iron bars surrounded me, and my trial to bewail;
I never did the cruel deed, God knows I'm not to blame,
Although I've been convicted, and must suffer for the same.
A word to my old mother, and sisters kind and true,
Remember I am innocent, though I must part from you;
And you, my kind relations, I know you wish me well,
But my feelings at this moment, no human tongue can tell.
Before closing this, my song, I must not fail to mention,
My good jailor, Mr. Toel, for his kind attention;
And now, my friends, this is all that I can do,
Intending in this song of mine, to bid you all adieu.