Lasting Impact
The Talbott case had left a lasting impact on Nodaway County. Many felt they had lost an important figure in their community in more ways than one. Most importantly the community had to come to terms with the notion that Doc Talbott was not the man they thought he was.
Belle, Albert, and Charles saw more of Talbott than anyone. They had experienced the brunt of his abuse. Lack of awareness coupled with the expectations of the time left them vulnerable to his cruelty.
Laws and expectations have changed significantly over the past few decades however, and this has brought more attention to victims of abuse.
Resources for Domestic Abuse:
Local Resources:
North Star Advocacy Center
Call 660/562-2320 in Maryville
or Toll Free at 866/382-7867
National Hotlline
Txt 1.800.7873224
State Resources:
Resource Center